Tuesday, October 22, 2013

LIMITLESS Reduces Inflammation

I’m a firm believer that we are all given challenges in our lives for a reason.  The difference between us is who is listening and doing something different OR who’s pointing a finger, blaming, and having a constant pity party?  You know what I mean?  That is not to say I didn't go through the “why me” stage or felt sorry for myself when I was diagnosed with rheumatoid arthritis.   The key, however, is how long do you stay in the pity party?  Take ACTION! 

Is it disturbing to learn that chronic inflammation is the root of nearly every modern disease on the rise today.  The good news is, however, we can choose each day to make good choices that will limit the “fuel to the fire” and reduce our chances of having the disease in the first place or, in my case, to conquer the inflammation, pain, and swelling.   I am now leading a fully functioning life.  The more I learn about the human body, the more convinced I am that “we have all the natural tools needed to maintain a healthful balance in our systems.” (Marcelle Pick, OB/GYN NP) Today is the day to begin leading a healthy and productive life no matter how old you are!!

As a champion for health and wellness, I have been approached by many friends and networkers to try products such as Protandim, Isogenics, and Orenda to name a few.  I found for myself that they didn't make a difference.  That’s my story as I do respect these companies and they do have products that work for others.  Because of this experience, I was hesitant to look at other nutritional companies.

Last January, I was introduced to an authentic company with proprietary products.  A dear friend and mentor, Rick Parros, a former Denver Bronco player, asked Jon and me to go to Dallas and check out EVOLV, a company in Dallas with Trey White as the CEO.  At our visit, we also met Dr. Anne Smith, the CSO (Chief Science Officer) who explained the history of of the products and the science behind each. She is an amazing woman who has led the way with the development of the products.

What stood out to me the most was Limitless.  It has had an immediate and long term effect for myself and a wide variety of people.  Limitless is a pure beet extract and it’s the betalains in the beets that strengthens the body functions and REDUCES INFLAMMATION!!  I have tried so many times to reduce the amount of methotrexate I use for my rheumatoid.  Because of Limitless, I have reduced the amount by 1/3rd!!  I have also found that after my workouts my recovery time is much quicker, and yet I continue to have more energy throughout the day.  

Now I have young athletes all the way to my 86 year old mom who have found great results with this product.  It’s been everything from reducing and even eliminating shoulder pain, hip pain, migraines, performing at a higher level with their competition, and adding more focus and mental clarity to their work just to name a few results.

InflammationLIMITLESS has definitely made a difference for me.  If you’re in pain and want to learn more, check out my website:

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