Saturday, October 12, 2013


How many times do we blame or make excuses why we can’t do something, why things don’t get done?  Have you heard or ever used yourself some of these:

·         I don’t have time.
·         I’m too busy.
·         I’m too old.
·         I tried that before and it didn’t work.
·         I just don’t have any luck.
·         It’s easier for ______, it’s just not me.
·         I don’t have the money.
·         Sure I had dreams when I was younger, but then I grew up and life got in the way.

My guess is we have all used most if not all of these (and more) at some point in our lives. My question is though, how is that working for you?  Are you growing, learning, and moving forward or just existing?  Jim Rohn says that for every finger pointing to someone or something else, there are three pointing right back at “you know who.”

Take just one day and listen to yourself and those around you.  How many times are you hearing excuses and blame versus taking personal responsibility and finding solutions to remedy a situation?  If you listen to the news at all, which I try not to do very much, our government officials on ALL levels are great at the blame game.  One grandmother’s message to them was to grow up and start taking responsibility for what is going on.  Are you willing to take a look at your own words and actions and take responsibility so change can happen?

I have been fortunate enough to have many mentors in my life who helped me move past that blame game and move into solution mode.  Time?  We all have 24 hours.  It’s NOT that we don’t have time…it’s that it’s not a priority.  Hmmm…that changes things doesn’t it?  Now, in my head, I’m asking myself if whatever it is, is a priority.  It has little to do with time.  If going to my granddaughter’s dance recital is a priority then I will make time even though that means driving 5 ½ hours to get there!  If I was asked to go to a networking event that wasn’t going to move my business forward it now is easier to decline the invitation since it’s not a priority.

Busy?  Most people are busy.  Personally, I think it comes back to the same question as TIME…is it a priority?  Our schedules are never too busy for things that are important to us.  Priority…there’s that word again.

Too old?  Really?  Who’s mindset is that?  What is too old?  At 61 now, I hear this WAY too much!  What’s the real issue?  Isn’t it that we’re really saying we’re out of shape and won’t do something about it? 

I’ve tried that before and it didn’t work.  Ok, what part didn’t work?  Is there a different way we can try to get to the same result?  It didn’t work for you or it doesn’t work at all?  Do you have any evidence that whatever it is may be working for someone else?

My point in all this is to get all of us out of the rut of blame, excuses, denial, and fear of change.  Life is all about PRIORITIES and moving forward.  If we’re NOT learning and growing, we’re dying.  We get comfortable in our routines, but we NEVER learn when we’re feeling comfortable. 

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