Wednesday, September 11, 2013


Once again from Darren Hardy, “Everything in your life exists because you first made a choice about something.  Choices are at the root of every one of your results.  Each choice starts a behavior that over time becomes a habit.”  (It’s the elephant again – our subconscious)  “Choose poorly and you might find yourself back at the drawing board.”  Of course you also realize that not making a choice is also a choice.  It’s the choice of being passive to whatever comes your way.  Have you ever heard someone blame another person, their situation, lack of money, etc. etc.  Why is it so difficult for us to realize that WE are the ones in control of our lives?  When we point the finger at something else, we have three pointing back at us. Hmmm…

“We don’t intend to sabotage ourselves, but by not thinking about our decisions – weighing the risks and potential outcomes -  we find ourselves facing unintended consequences.”  We didn't mean to put on those extra 10 pounds, we didn't mean to have credit card debt to such a level, we didn't mean to let our marriage get to the point of divorce, but “often (if not always) those consequences are the result of a series of small, POOR choices.” These are the ones that come back to bite us.

“You have to be willing to take 100 percent responsibility for making your life work.  This concept could transform every area of your life.”  What if I owned all my choices?  I owned every way I chose to respond to a situation or conflict?  That’s a powerful thought.  My life is up to me.  I must hold myself accountable to everything I do and those I didn't do, or how I react to something that was done to me. 

Think about that for a minute.  How does that make you feel?  Excited? Scared?  Nervous? Anxious?  Is there a little voice on your shoulder already telling you that YOU don’t have that much control because remember all those things that have happened to you in the past?  What makes this any different for the future?  Or is that little voice on your shoulder ready to travel a whole new path like the Ant and the Elephant?

My experiences since working with the concepts Jim Britt teaches,  is that my life has changed.  My choices are better, my consistency is much better, but it’s all still a work in progress.  I’m more conscious of my words, actions feelings etc.  It’s fun, exciting, and I have seen a difference in all areas of my life.  The term is “metacognition” which is thinking about your thinking. There’s first my self awareness and then comes a consistent plan of action.  What do they say, it’s not practice makes perfect but perfect practice makes perfect.  Isn't that also why we call life a journey?  If we’re learning, growing, willing to change, and move forward being present each and every day then we can truly make a difference in ourselves. 

With all of my blogs, I would enjoy hearing your thoughts.  Have a great day!!

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