Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Introduction to Nancy Burianek

After teaching elementary school for 30 years, reading for me were the books my fifth graders were reading which really were  awfully good especially when it was the Harry Potter series.  Then there was a lot of reading for teaching and staff training.  Again, really good.  The type of reading I did most of my teaching career was to learn and grow as a teacher, a trainer of teachers, and to support parents.  Interestingly enough, now my reading focuses on me.  How can I be the best I can be still with my focus on learning and growing? I find myself still teaching, still training and coaching, and still supporting others.  My audience is just different now.
So who is my audience?  First and foremost it’s me.  I spent so many years being a wife, mom of two, and teaching full time. There was still, in my mind, the expectation to be everything to everyone.  Hmm…take care of myself?  That was usually on the back burner.  At 30, after getting a few “hints” that something was wrong and not paying attention, I had a jolt.  I kept losing weight despite the fact that I was eating ALL the time.   I just rationalized that I had a 3 year old, a 6 month old, and I was going back to work.  However, I got to the place where I couldn’t ignore the weight loss any more as I looked anorexic.  Several tests later,  I get the news that I either have a thyroid problem (hyperthyroid) or it’s cancer, or…  so more tests were needed.  Fortunately, it turned out that it was a hyperthyroid problem and that was taken care of fairly quick.  The results are I’m on a very low dose of synthroid.  So life went on without any real changes until…

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