Tuesday, July 2, 2013

Be Present! What Does That Mean?

Be Present! What Does That Mean?

What would I have changed and what is my message to my children?  Be present!  Stay focused on what you can control. Avoid the feeling and thoughts about not being enough. But also remember…put the oxygen mask on you first THEN on everyone else.  That’s the best gift you can give to yourself, your spouse, and your children.  It may only be a short period of time, but it’s a time to get rejuvenated.  To me, that’s also a life gift to give to our children.  I wasn't a very good role model in balancing work and home especially for my daughter, but we have since had incredible conversations about that very topic. She is now married and has two children of her own.  
 I am 61 years old, married to my wonderful life partner of 36 years and counting, have 3 adult children who are all married, and 5 grandchildren.  I can play and keep up with the grand kids!!  I exercise 5 days a week for at least an hour if not an hour and a half, have no pain, and have spent the past 8 years of retirement learning and growing in all areas of my life.  Reading has been a huge part of my growth as has my desire, and my husband’s, to have an impact on people’s lives in a positive and supportive way.

In this learning journey, I was blessed to become acquainted with an incredible man, Jim Britt.  Jim was key in my understanding of being present, the past is gone, and the future isn't here.  How often do we NOT let go of things that have happened in the past, stuff those feelings, and then project those same feelings as to what may happen in the future?  I know I did until I learned more.

According to Jim, our emotions are either resourceful or nonresourceful.  Resourceful emotions are only love and joy.  Nonresourceful are everything else: anger, fear, blame, guilt, etc. etc.  Jim teaches that emotions are energy in motion.  Our experiences create emotions, and if we don't let go of those nonresourceful emotions we "stuff" them.  Have you ever felt you had a lump in your throat?  Your chest felt heavy?  Maybe it's your gut.  Picture an ice cube that has enclosed those emotions.  Until we learn to "let go" and melt that ice cube, we are locked into the past and repeating what doesn't work.

Jim teaches a process with a clear understanding of what is happening through his books and CD's.  I can only tell you from my personal experience, that Jim's teachings laid out a logical and understandable manner what we all do with our emotions, and how learning to identify them and letting go is essential.  There were so many "ah ha" moments for me.  Many things that came up I had buried in my subconscious and didn't realize they were even there.  Now so much makes more sense.

 I can say because of Jim Britt and his teachings, my life has taken on a whole new meaning and things I carried with me for 25 years are no longer holding me back.  Here's a link to Jim's site:
http://www.jimbritt.com/about   Message me if you 'd like more information.

A final thought...you know you have let go of something when you can recall the incident, experience etc., however, there are no longer emotions attached.

The Past No Longer Defines Me!  I have moved on to fulfill my passion of supporting and helping others and Being Present.

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